Which One Comes First: Planer or Jointer?

Published on August 14 2020

Planers and jointers are the main mechanisms of the woodworkers. However, most woodworkers need both tools. The jointer is required to flatten one face and square up to one edge, and the planer is generally used to create the second face flat and make parallel to the first. These tools are expensive, and it’s hard to afford to purchase both at a time. Therefore, it is necessary to know which one you must buy first. You may get additional information about best grizzly planers by visiting website.

Planer vs. jointer

It is reasonable to think which one comes first when you require these tools for your woodworking activity. It would help if you bought a planer first. A planer is a fundamental tool when you start woodworking activity. Why you need to have the planer first, the reason is when you purchase a planer, you will accomplish more with it on its own than you can with a jointer. A jointer may excel at making one flat face and one square/flat edge, and that’s about it. When you need to run another rough face on the jointer, you will be able to make it flat, but you certainly cannot make it parallel to the first face. This is precisely how it makes the one side thicker than another side of a board. When you are thinking about the thickness, a jointer will not give you the exact depth of boards of your precious dimension.

On the other hand, a planer is mostly used for thickness. When you have your rough boards are relatively straight, you can send them through the planer, taking alternating light passes on both sides. When you see both faces are clean, then they have gotten flatten and mostly parallel. However, your edge remains rough. In addition to cleaning those up, you have specific options; you will have to trim with a circular saw and a saw guide, or you can cut at the table saw with a joining jig, you can also decorate with a hand plane, or trim at the router table. Undoubtedly, none of these solutions is 100% accurate, but they are giving you a temporary solution. For a professional woodworker, a planer and jointer are both required. To get things done effectively, a woodworker uses both of them. A jointer primarily helps to make the face of a warped, twisted, or bowed board flat. It further used for straightening and squaring edges of the boards.


For a woodworker, a planer and a jointer, both tools are required. A jointer is necessary as it is used for making a board perfectly flat and will remove warps and twists on the board. You will have to run rough lumber through a jointer first, then use a planer to make the board to a consistent thickness and perfectly parallel. Woodworkers who are usually involved in extensive work, they are using both the planer and jointer. By using both tools, they can work faster and better than who is using just a planer or a jointer.

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